Opening times and prices


Saturday – Sunday: 10am – 5pm (last admission at 4:15pm)

Monday – Friday: booking recommended : 10am – 5pm (last admission at 4:15pm)

Mobile payment available

Tmoney + 228 91 26 67 01

Flooz + 228 99 20 24 08

Our prices include guided tours in the presence of our cultural mediators. Our bilingual cultural mediators are happy to welcome you and accompany you during your visit.




Palais and Park

Adults: 2 000 F  

Children (under 12): 500 F

Teenagers: (12-18) and students (with proof): 1 500 F

Nationals of  ECOWAS  countries

Adults: 3 000 F

Children (under 12): 1 000 F

Teenagers (12-18 years) and students (with proof): 2 000 F

Other nationalities

Adults: 5 000 F  

Children (under 12): 1 500 F

Teenagers (12-18) and students (with proof): 2 500 F

Park only

Adults: 1 500

Children (under 12): 300 F

Teenagers (12-18) and students (with proof): 800 F

ECOWAS citizens

Adults: 2000 F

Children (under 12): 500 F

Teenagers (12-18 years) and students (with proof): 1000 F

Other nationalities

Adults: 2 500 F       

Children (under 12): 1 000 F

Teenagers (12-18) and students (with proof of enrolment): 2 000 F


Palais and Park

Adults: 3 000 F

Children (under 12): 1 000F

Teenagers (aged 12-18) and students (with proof): 2 000 F

Nationals of ECOWAS countries

Adults: 4 000 F  

Children (under 12): 1 500 F

Teenagers (aged 12-18) and students (with proof): 3 000 F

Other nationalities

Adults: 7000 F  

Children (under 12): 2 000 F

Teenagers (aged 12-18) and students (with proof): 4 000 F

Park only      

Adults: 2 000 F  

Children (under 12): 500 F

Teenagers (12-18) and students (with proof): 1 000 F

Nationals of ECOWAS countries

Adults: 2 500 F  

Children (under 12): 1 000 F

Teenagers (aged 12-18) and students (with proof): 2 000 F

Other nationalities

Adults: 4 000 F       

Children (under 12): 1 000 F

Teenagers: (aged 12-18) and students (with proof): 2 500 F


Picnics are allowed at weekends and during the week. Picnics are  permitted on weekdays only during holiday periods.

Picnics only

This price includes the Park; it excludes access to the main building and exhibitions.


Adults: 1 500 F   

Children (under 12): 500 F

Teenagers (aged 12-18) and students (with proof): 1 000 F

Other nationalities

Adults: 2 500 F

Children (under 12): 1 000 F

Teenagers (aged 12-18) and students (with proof): 2 000 F

Picnics and visits to the Palais exhibitions

This price includes access to the park, the main building and the exhibitions.

Adults, teenagers, admission fee + 1 000 F. Children (under 12), Admission fee + 500 F

Picnics are for groups of 12 people maximum.

Nb: these prices are valid for individuals. COMPANIES AND INSTITUTIONS Please contact us for rates. SCHOOLS AND GROUPS OF MORE THAN 25 PEOPLE Please contact us at least 72 hours before your visit by e-mail: or by WhatsApp on + 228 90 13 94 64.